"Today, a vital task that must be pursued is to put an end to the war and restore a strong peace in Europe," he wrote.
Yermak also referred to his column in the Swedish Dagens industri, where he stated that various "peace initiatives" regarding a ceasefire, which do not include "ironclad security guarantees for Ukraine," could encourage Russia to initiate another full-scale invasion "in the near future."
The Head of the Office of the President emphasized that "fruitful" negotiations are only possible when the warring parties have the willingness to cease hostilities.
"The situation needs to be restored at least to the state it was on February 23, 2022. This would serve as a starting point for further settlement, as part of Ukraine was occupied before that date. However, Russia shows no signs of such readiness, continuing its escalation," Yermak stated.
He listed actions taken by Russia that indicate a desire to continue fighting, particularly the transfer of 11,000 North Korean troops to the border with Ukraine "with the potential to increase this number to 100,000," as well as the launch of a medium-range ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear weapons over the Dnieper.
According to Yermak, a key element of any credible strategy to counter the Russian threat is ensuring Ukraine's victory.
In his view, Moscow will engage in negotiations only when it sees that its current strategy is failing.
"Diplomacy has no prospects without the backing of force. There should be no illusions that appeasing the aggressor will lead to lasting peace. The concept of 'peace through strength' has proven effective throughout global history. Now is the time to apply it once again," Yermak believes.