Sunday09 March 2025

"Another Budapest Memorandum," says expert Vladimir Omelchenko about the agreement with the U.S. regarding minerals.

In the near future, Ukraine may sign an agreement with the United States regarding the exploration of its natural resources. Will this document pave the way for a future boom in Ukraine's extraction from new deposits, or will it offer Ukraine different opportunities?
"Новый Будапештский меморандум", — заявил эксперт Владимир Омельченко о соглашении с США по минералам.
Эксперт скептически настроен относительно притока в Украину американских инвестиций

"Let’s hope this will turn out to be a new Budapest Memorandum, which amounts to nothing. No one will fulfill any obligations, and there will be no real agreement. Therefore, no one will have any commitments, and the parties to the agreement will establish normal communication, which will allow for negotiations with the U.S. regarding military assistance. I believe the best option for us is not to rely on any mythical American investments,” says Vladimir Omelchenko.

He mentions that the primary outcome of the concluded agreement on minerals would be an improvement in relations with the Donald Trump administration.

Улучшение отношений с Трампом — одна из задач соглашения о полезных ископаемых, считает Владимир Омельченко

Discussing the potential outcomes for Ukraine following the signing of an agreement with the U.S. on mineral resources, the expert noted: "If the meeting with President Trump goes well, then Volodymyr Zelensky will be able to present some arguments to Trump, they will find common ground, and begin to communicate effectively. There are certain hopes for this. And that would be the best result. Expecting security guarantees and massive investments in Ukraine is absurd. The main thing is to defend our interests, and if Volodymyr Zelensky can indeed uphold Ukraine's interests and avoid recording a mythical debt to the U.S. in these agreements, that would already be a significant victory."

Let’s recall that Mikhail Podolyak, an advisor to the head of the Office of the President, asserts that the framework agreement on mineral extraction agreed upon by Ukrainian and American parties will be expanded in the following stages.