According to Nazarov, the commander-in-chief, who is directly responsible for the situation at the front, cannot handle this alone.
"Syrskiy, the commander-in-chief, has nothing at his disposal: he lacks resources, funding, and reserves. Someone needs to create these reserves. This includes human resources, financial resources, economic factors, and all other social elements necessary for him to perform his duties. The surnames of the commanders-in-chief do not influence this," emphasized the major general.
Nazarov believes that it may even be "more challenging for Syrskiy now than it was for Zaluzhny."
"Because our resources are depleting, people are getting tired, and all these signs affect the overall situation in the army. But Ukraine is holding on, and it has endured this year, including maintaining the front line. When they say we have a 'catastrophe at the front' – well, of course, we are retreating, we are pulling back, and these are objective factors. But it could have been worse," noted the major general.
Nazarov asserts that "even if the most experienced, well-known, and advanced NATO general were in Alexander Stanislavovich's place right now – it wouldn’t improve the situation, it would get worse."
"Because a new general would immediately raise the question: where are my NATO principles and standards? How can I advance without air superiority? Where are my long-range strike capabilities? What is the extent of the enemy's firepower? – emphasized Nazarov. – We are doing this without even having the approaches that are inherent to the principles of conducting military operations from the perspective of our NATO partners."