Wednesday19 February 2025

A Ukrainian is being deported from Slovakia for alleged involvement in a "coup." The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has responded to the situation.

The Slovak police announced that they will deport a Ukrainian citizen from the country due to alleged "threats of a coup." This was reported by Dennik N on January 30.
Словакия депортирует украинца из-за предполагаемой связи с "госпереворотом". МИД Украины уже высказал свою реакцию на эту ситуацию.

The deportation should take place "as soon as possible," noted Police President Yana Mashkarova.

She mentioned that "one person is currently in the office of the Border Police for Foreigners, where administrative expulsion is being carried out."

The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed "Interfax-Ukraine" that the agency is aware of the detention in Slovakia of a Ukrainian citizen born in 1966 on charges of "threat to national security."

The Embassy of Ukraine in Slovakia has established contact with the detainee and his family, and consuls are providing necessary support to the Ukrainian citizen, who also has a private lawyer, the ministry added.

"We insist on the need for the Slovak side to respect the legal rights and interests of the Ukrainian citizen. The Embassy of Ukraine in the Slovak Republic has already reached out to the relevant authorities in Slovakia to clarify the grounds for the detention," the agency reported.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs added that Ukrainian diplomats are keeping the case under special control.