Wednesday19 February 2025

Unclear aspects of military ID: essential insights about military registration, according to legal experts.

Due to the update in the format of military registration documents, Ukraine has begun issuing military ID cards in A5 size. Representatives from the Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support emphasize that these documents should not be folded in half or laminated. However, the question remains whether such requirements are actually enshrined in legislation and what consequences may arise from violating them.
Неясности в военном билете: советы юристов о ВУД, которые важно знать.

A resident of Kyiv, Vladislav, who has a deferral from mobilization, recently received his military ID and was surprised twice. The first time was when he heard from a TCC employee that the military document is prohibited from being folded or laminated. The ID is currently issued in A5 format, and regarding how to carry it with him at all times, the military office notes that "it must remain in the same condition as received."

The second surprise came when he saw the rank of "soldier" on the military ID, as he believed he should be in reserve due to his deferral.

Is it allowed to laminate or fold a military ID?

According to the Procedure for the registration and issuance of military accounting documents (approved by the CMU resolution dated 15.05.2024 №559), a military accounting document (MAD) can exist in electronic form or in paper format on an official form. As stated in paragraph 9 of this procedure, both the electronic document (including printed versions) and the paper variant hold equal legal status.

"At the same time, the legislation does not contain a direct prohibition on folding or laminating the document. The only stipulation is that it must remain legible and identifiable as an original. Laminating the document makes it impossible to identify it as an original, but there are no legal grounds for a fine or declaring the document invalid," explains Slavic.

Is it mandatory to carry the paper military document at all times?

At the TCC, they insist that the military accounting document must always be with the owner, and its electronic version (the reserve in "Diia") supposedly does not suffice during street checks. However, according to current legislation, the electronic version holds the same legal weight as the paper one and cannot serve as grounds for fines or detention.

"If a conscript is stopped and asked for the paper document specifically, it is worth mentioning paragraph 9 of CMU resolution №559, which confirms the equivalence of the electronic and paper versions," says the lawyer.

Military accounting document: why is everyone labeled as "soldier"?

A temporary military ID is a document that confirms a person's status as a conscript in reserve. It indicates their affiliation with military duty and may include information about changes in military accounting category.

Based on their status, Ukrainian citizens are divided into the following categories:

  • Pre-conscripts — individuals who have not yet been registered for military service but are subject to it in the future;
  • Conscripts — those who are already registered for military service but have not yet been called up;
  • Military personnel — citizens currently serving in the military;
  • Reservists — individuals who are in reserve and can be called upon to supplement the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations;
  • Reservists — individuals serving in the military reserve.

Reservists are a distinct category within military accounting. It is important to note that service in the military reserve involves reservists fulfilling military service duties in accordance with legal requirements and the terms of their contract regarding service in the military reserve (including training or retraining in military specialties during training sessions).

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service," each of the military duty categories, except for pre-conscripts and conscripts, is divided into ranks of ordinary personnel, sergeant and senior personnel, and officer personnel.

Therefore, the indication of the military rank "soldier" in the MAD does not contradict the legislation.

It should be noted that limited-fit conscripts who do not manage to undergo a repeat examination at the military medical commission will not face fines or be declared wanted. A bill has been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada to extend the deadline for the repeat examination to June 5.