“I completely share the perspective that we are currently in a very critical period,” she said in response to a question about Ukraine's current position in the war and whether support from partners is noticeable. “This is connected with the fact that significant political processes in Europe have concluded, and new European institutions have been formed. Some key European political leaders have strengthened their positions in power, and some governments and parliaments have been relaunched.”
According to Stefanishyna, European countries are now in a state where they “can and must regroup again” to make decisions regarding increasing financial and military support for Ukraine.
“This is also a crucial time for decision-making within the victory plan. Because we are in a period from October to December, when military support mobilization and political support mobilization must be ensured, there is a window for making important decisions at the NATO level, and the Washington summit has laid a good foundation for this,” she added.
Following the U.S. presidential elections scheduled for November 5, the process of power transition will inevitably begin, the Vice Prime Minister continued.
And this, according to her, is “a natural process that will distance us from the opportunities we can seize right now.”
“Therefore, we have no elements of restraint; we will fight for our interests, fight for additional military support that will allow us to hold the existing front, advance, and also gain the necessary political strength to put pressure on Russia. This period is important in terms of mobilizing political power, and I believe that much of next year depends on these months leading up to the end of the year,” she added.
Explaining her words about the window of opportunity, Stefanishyna noted that this refers to inviting Ukraine to NATO.
“This decision is, of course, significant for Ukraine. It mobilizes the country from within, it instills hope and creates a sense of collective responsibility for Ukraine's future and for Europe’s future. But it is also a very powerful incentive to, so to speak, deter ideological allies of Russia from uniting around these alternative summits and formats. Because when allies declare that Ukraine will, in one way or another, be in NATO, it clearly indicates that the conversation must now be different,” she emphasized.