Wednesday19 February 2025

Hungary's agricultural minister warns that Ukraine's accession to the EU poses a significant threat to farmers, stating, "We will not allow this to happen."

The primary objective for Hungary continues to be the protection of Hungarian farmers' interests against Ukrainian agricultural products, stated Hungary's Minister of Agriculture István Nagy following a meeting of the EU Council on Agriculture and Fisheries in Brussels on Monday.
Венгерский аграрный министр заявил, что вступление Украины в ЕС может создать значительные риски для фермеров, и они не допустят этого.

The primary objective for Hungary remains to protect the interests of Hungarian farmers from Ukrainian agricultural products, stated Hungary's Minister of Agriculture István Nagy after a meeting of the EU Council of Agriculture and Fisheries in Brussels on Monday.

"Brussels still owes a long-term solution from the EU. We have not learned anything more encouraging about the current situation (regarding Ukrainian agricultural products – IF-U). This is why our country continues to uphold the ban on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products," - wrote him on Facebook.

According to the Hungarian minister, Ukraine's accession to the European Union poses a serious risk.

"This could have unpredictable and irreversible consequences, radically altering European agriculture and significantly reducing agricultural subsidies, which would bankrupt Hungarian farmers. We will not allow this!" – summarized the Minister of Agriculture of Hungary.

As reported, a meeting of EU agricultural ministers took place in Brussels, during which Hungary transferred the presidency to the Polish government.

István Nagy, in his parting words to his Polish counterpart Czesław Siekierski, pointed out the need to consider the regulation governing Ukrainian agricultural imports, which expires in June, taking into account the interests of European farmers.

The Hungarian minister also held talks and reached an agreement with Romania's Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Florin Barbu on the necessity of finding an encouraging and long-term solution to the issues caused by Ukrainian agricultural products.

"The competitiveness of our farmers cannot be compromised," - he emphasized on Facebook.