Monday17 February 2025

Zelensky, alongside rabbis and ambassadors, honored the memory of Holocaust victims at Babyn Yar.

On January 27, the day before International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the President of Ukraine participated in memorial events in Kyiv. This information was reported on his official website.
Зеленский вместе с раввинами и послами почтили память жертв Холокоста в Бабьем Яру.

Alongside the head of state, foreign ambassadors and clergy visited the memorial for the victims of Nazism at Babyn Yar.

Zelensky referred to the extermination of 6 million Jews during World War II as "a deliberate attempt by the Nazis to erase an entire nation."

"The crime of the Holocaust must never be repeated, yet unfortunately, the memory of the Holocaust is gradually fading. The evil that seeks to annihilate entire nations still exists in the world," – wrote him on Telegram.