The Security Service of Ukraine has uncovered enterprises in the Kharkiv, Chernivtsi, and Odesa regions that, during the full-scale invasion, supplied electronic components for the production of rockets and drones to the Russian Federation, circumventing international sanctions.

According to the press center of SSU, these companies are part of a large international corporation based in Russia that manufactures unique microchips and electronic boards used in the navigation and control systems of ballistic and cruise missiles such as "X-101," "Kalibr," and "Iskander-K."

It is noted that some of these boards are also utilized in the guidance systems of kamikaze drones, multiple launch rocket systems "Tornado-G," and the onboard navigation of the Ka-52 attack reconnaissance helicopter.

The investigation revealed that the individuals involved developed a plan for systematic delivery of electronic components from Ukraine to Russia, bypassing sanction restrictions.

Переписка фигурантов дела с россиянами / фото СБУПереписка фигурантов дела с россиянами / фото СБУ

"To successfully implement their scheme, they purchased products in Ukraine and other countries, disguising the ultimate consumer, and sent them to a controlled company in the Middle East, which is under international sanctions, and from there to a Russian company that is also under Western sanctions. Among the end consumers of the goods are strategic state enterprises of the Russian Federation and companies operating within the military-industrial complex of the aggressor state, particularly JSC 'SpecTechMash,'" the statement reads.

It has been documented that only during the summer of 2022, the participants in this scheme transferred over 1,500 different types of microelectronics to Russia, totaling more than $600,000.

The special service informed that the facts of Russians using Ukrainian microchips and electronic boards have been confirmed by professional expert analyses based on the study of debris from Russian missiles and drones. During searches, physical evidence of the company's officials working in the interests of the Kremlin was discovered.

Документы одного из фигурантов дела / фото СБУ

Currently, the SSU has detained one of the suspects, who was also found to possess a Russian passport. The investigators have informed him of the suspicion under Part 3 of Article 28, Part 1 of Article 111-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (aiding a state aggressor committed by an organized group). He faces up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. A similar notification of suspicion is being prepared for other participants in the scheme.

Exposing Ukrainian Traitors

As reported by UNIAN, in the Dnipropetrovsk region, the SSU uncovered an enterprise that assists Russia in building nuclear laboratories. According to the investigation, the owner of a Ukrainian construction materials manufacturing company is involved in organizing the deal.

It has been established that following the onset of the full-scale invasion, representatives of the factory shipped a large batch of finished stainless steel profiles to Russia. The SSU added that the Russians used Ukrainian metal products to equip the service premises of the Russian nuclear research institute.